Dear Clients and Associates,
I trust that all of you are enjoying this warmer weather and staying healthy.
As we ease into the summer months, my teams and I continue to update you on the latest surrounding the COVID virus and it's impact on the equity markets. Below you will find a great 5 minute video from my partners at Russell Investments, that summarize 2020 and provides a perspective of what to anticipate moving forward.
Key points to keep in mind:
we still are dealing with levels of uncertainty as the length, therefore impact of the virus unfolds daily
equity markets have improved from it's fear driven lows in March
markets continue to present a good buying opportunity if you have a long term investment horizon
I want to take this opportunity wish all you continues good health and we are here should you have any questions.
Here is a direct link to my calendar if you wish to set a specific time for a conversation.
With gratitude,
Anna Knight